Sunday, February 24, 2008

fasting as fast as the wind

this past week i did a media fast, and for those who don't know what i am talking about, it is a "vacation" from what distracts us from our relationship with the lord like music and the computer.
it went extremely well. the day before, Sunday, my uncle had preached the most wonderful and sad message. it was about Jesus' death, but it was taught in such a different way then i had ever heard before. it greatly effected me throughout the week and i couldn't help but keep reading that passage in john about it.
Jesus had never seemed so greatly personal before, i knew he was but this made him feel so much more close. he was afraid, i had never thought of Jesus being afraid before either, but he was willing to overcome his fear to die for us and drink the bitter cup for us. it was amazing what god had shown me during this fast. i realized how distracting the world is and the scary part is that we never really notice this.
i also went over to the Turek's house to stay with Mrs. Carol. it was so amazing how wonderfully content she was. she was extremely encouraging to me just by being herself, and seeing God's love in her life.

well here comes another week.


Anonymous said...

I love hearing about what God is doing in your life. I might be taking an electronics fast of my own soon. keep reading about the cross, sweetie. it is the best way to grow in your love for the Savior...experiencing His love for you.

Jess said...

i really want to do another fast but i lost the paper mr. mark gave us
don't forget to pack

Jess said...

you need to go on here some time
its been like three months