i dare you to move, i dare you. we breath in life and breath out death we breath in death and breath out life, we were meant to live, like today never happened. i dare you to move i dare you.
last night was amazing. it was my first concert and guess who i saw. relient k ( my favorite band) switchfoot (a name i don't get) and Ruth ( a new band I've never heard of). it was so amazing.
relient k is most definitely better on stage than on their Cd's, they completely expressed their words and made it so fun to sing with them.
were in the palm of a hand making a fist it would be best for one of us to speak up but we prefer to pretend it does not exist
~relient k
switchfoot was cooler than i thought they would be. i don't normally listen to them. yeah. well they were still good.
we were meant to live for so much more have we lost ourselves? we were meant to live for so much more have we lost ourselves? we were meant to live we were meant to live.
RRRRuth was awesome too, and for their first appearance here they weren't that bad. uh i don't know any of the words to their songs so...sorry Ruth.
oh my gosh my concert was so awesome!
i know how u feel about relient k so i won't push my opinions on you about an utterly awesome band called emery!
today was so fun! the videos are hilarious~
i didnt know ur daniel was an accountant living in afghanastan!
did u
did u know that matthew thiessen is in a band i didnt know either
so amazing it si
hey sierra. just re-discovered your blog. somehow my bloglines dropped it. I'm glad you're still writing.
now that we're leaving (boo hoo), you need to write A LOT!!!!
sveet! i love switchfoot!
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